Configure AWS CLI — Windows

Jorge Freitas
2 min readDec 25, 2020

Set Up the AWS Command Line

1 — Download the AWS CLI MSI installer

2 — Run the installer

3 — Open command line and type: aws --version

4 — Add a named profile

  • Open CLI and type: aws configure
  • For the AWS Access Key ID
  • Go to AWS Console and then My Security Credentials
My Security Credentials
  • Go to Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) and then Create New Access Key
  • Go back to CLI
  • Set AWS Access Key ID
  • Set AWS Secret Access Key
  • Set a Default region name: I will set Irland (eu-west-1)
  • Default output format: json
CLI aws configure result

That’s it, you have configured your default CLI profile. If you do not specify a profile this will be used by default

Multiple accounts

If you have multiple accounts, you can configure them in your CLI. For that, you need to create multiple profiles.

Basically, you need to follow the steps done before but you need to set a profile name

aws configure --profile SecondAccount

CLI profile configure a second account

When you are running commands in your CLI, if you do not specify a profile, you are using the default one. If you specify the profile, then for that specific profile you are using the specified profile.

If you specify a profile with --profile on an individual command, that overrides the setting specified in the environment variable for only that command.

Get a list of profiles

aws configure list-profiles


With AWS CLI you can do the management of all AWS services, including deploy, start, stop, etc. Please find a full list of commands here.


